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Structure Resiliency Analysis
Combining decades of transmission and distribution engineering experience, the Osmose team can assess the entire structure and generate solutions ranging from simple corrosion mitigation to structural restoration, member replacement, and upgrades extending the asset’s service life and increasing its structural load-carrying capacity for existing or new conductors.
SteelCalc® is a proprietary field screening tool used by Osmose technicians that assigns a condition rating factoring in specific geographical and physical characteristics of the structures to provide a focused ground-based engineering assessment.
SteelCalc is the only method in the electric utility industry that provides a more precise understanding of the structural health at the groundline level, where corrosion and mechanical damage risk exposure are critical, comparing the actual member capacity to industry-wide load cases and design codes.
Additionally, Osmose engineers use electric transmission industry accepted analysis programs including PLS-CADD, RISA-3D, and Abaqus to help its customers understand the health and resiliency of their transmission assets.
For unique conditions where modeling varying environmental and site conditions is required, Osmose engineers can leverage our proprietary O-Cap application. O-Cap is an evolution of the CAPFOS platform designed to analyze offshore structures. O-Cap is capable of modeling structural performance at different levels of deterioration, soil structure interaction, and environmental loading using advanced non-linear algorithms. Osmose engineers use the results of this analysis to drive proactive solutions through structural restoration and upgrades for transmission structures.
Note: SteelCalc and O-Cap are used exclusively by Osmose in support of its Resiliency Services and are not commercially available software products.